Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

naskah pidato ajang prestasi keagamaan se madura di pp.darul ulum pamekasan

The Original Text of speech contest


The honourable,
The judge of the English speech contest,
The teacher, brother, and all of the participants of English Speech contest.

All praise is due to Allah. The lord of the world , the maser and the creator of everything in the universe. The destroyer of all oppressed and the hope of the oppressed peaceful place.
Peace and salucation be upon to the noble prophet of Islam. Muhammad S.A.W. and his household. His companions and his faithful followers who strive in Allah’s religion of Islam.
I express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the master of ceremony for giving me valuable change so that I can speak in front of moslem audience. I take this great opportunity to deliver a speech under the title  THE YOUNG GERERATION AS DEVELOPER BETTER INDONESIA

Dear Moslem brothers!
When we talk about youngsters, we often find in many articles and we ourselves even witness the great role of youth participation in developing, favoring, and supporting the development of nation. They are the hope of nation who will carry out the struggle for the sake of brighter future of the country. Similarly, they are at the same time, the hope of Islamic religion will strive for the sake of Islamic teaching in the next, maintain the Islamic law, who will safeguard the Moslem young generation at large from influence of destructive western style of life, who will be leaders for the next. It was yelled as: TODAY IS YOUNG TOMORROW WILL BE A LEADER.

This statement encourages us to pay attention to the young existence in the future. By knowing all the facts we realize, how important role the young have for the future. The youths supposedly symbolize the force never become weak quickly. For this reason, the former president of Indonesia Soekarno has once said: “GIVE ME TEN YOUTHS I WOULD SHAKE THE WORLD”. From this statement we can sum up that Soekarno appreciated the young people more than the old. Why? Because they play significant roles, have great potency and great energy that can be prided.
Dear Moslem brothers
I should like to cal you to prepare our generation in order to be able to replace the old in the future. And I hope, you and all Moslem brothers wherever they are to abstain from bad action and furthermore we have to develop our skill and potency to reach the bright future.

I think it’s time for me to finish this speech begging your pardon, thank you very much for attention. I wish you success and prosperity. Your success is not you alone. It is the success of Islam over Islam enemies. May Allah almighty continue to cover this blessed meeting with his mercy and protection and make easy the path of Islamic awareness and realizations for the Muslims and others who may come to accept the light as well.
May Allah help us All and crown our efforts with unlimited success .

The last I am going to say
wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.
terlepas dari kompetisi yang katanya merupakan persaingan yang sehat, saya pribadi sebagai official dari peserta yang mempersentasikan naskah pidato ini, "turmidli" dari ppa. annuqayah daerah al-hasan sangat tidak setuju atas keputusan juri yang menilai dari kriteria penilaian sbb: 
fashohah: 55
isi: 43.....???
lahjah: 47
cetak tebal di atas saya pikir bukan penilaian yang objektif, saya yakin tema tentang "generasi muda sebagai agen pengembang negara kita" adalah tema unik, prestisius dan sagat update, dan memberikan hygine bagi para generasi muda untuk lebih kreatif, aktif, dan energic, itu artinya pidato ini amatlah penting untuk perkembangan generasi muda indonesia, lalu kenapa dalam kolom isi nilainya anjlok//??????

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